Lab2Market is a suite of programs that aims to foster innovation and commercial success in Canada by helping you realize and actualize the market potential of your ideas.

Lab2Market’s four program streams, including Discover, Validate, Launch, and Build exist to guide you through every step of the entrepreneurial journey, from contemplation to confidence.

Discover if entrepreneurship is for you

Learn a new way of thinking and determine if you have a passion for business.

Validate your idea as a business

Critically evaluate and stress test your research as a potential opportunity.


Launch your business into the real world

Build your business case, prepare for funding rounds, and become a startup.

Build your idea into a market-ready product

Acquire comprehensive knowledge about all aspects of product development.


“Without a doubt, my participation in the Lab2Market Validate program will be paramount to the success of my startup. I can’t imagine embarking on this journey without the guidance and knowledge I’m receiving from this experience.”

Crystal Sweeney
PureSpire Biomonitoring Technologies
